As a Penn State alumni, I am obiously disgusted and disturbed by what is going on. Reading the
indictment made me feel even worse. I literally feel like I was punched in the gut while reading everything that is coming out, and I believe it is only going to get worse.
There was a
video that came out tonight showing loyal supporters out on Paterno's lawn, committed to him staying with the program. After watching this, I struggle to find how anyone could support him staying at the program. Has everyone forgot what has happened these past few days?
Joe Paterno was alerted to allegations of sexual misconduct by Jerry Sandusky back in 2002 by Mike McQueary. Paterno states that what McQueary reported was not immediately clear, but I can only assume that he -at the very least- was told that Sandusky was in the shower with a boy. That should have been enough for Paterno to alert authorities. However, he failed to do so. Not even the most die-hard Penn State fan can give a satisfactory excuse for this lack of response.
Following this event is where things get worse, and I have a feeling these events will be exposed soon.
Paterno had to have met with Spanier, Curley, Schultz and other top brass following this event. At this meeting, they must have determined to keep this in house, reporting only what they needed to. To me, this is a cover up of the most horrific degree and signals a lack of institutional control.
Let's not forget about McQueary, who has risen the coaching ranks following this incident. McQueary is the head scout, who goes into homes and assures parents that their children will be in good hands at Penn State. Furthermore, he does this with the full backing of Paterno and Spanier. This disgusts me so bad, I cannot describe it in words.
Finally, let's not forget that Spanier stated he has unconditional support for Curley and Schultz. This statement is incomprehensible in nature, and is unforgivable.
I feel like I was lied to and completely let down by an institution I enjoyed attending so much. I have absolutely no trust or support for any of the characters involved in this, and will not be satisfied until the proverbial 'house is cleaned.' Curley and Schultz have already resigned, and Paterno, Spanier and McQueary have to be next. The longer they stay at the university shows that they care more about themselves than the university, and it is disrespectful to the students, parents of former and current students, and the alumni.
And what can we do this Saturday? I have thought long and hard about this, and it contradicts me greatly. My conclusion is this: I will cheer for the student-athletes on the field, because they cannot be blamed for the ignorant and reprehensible actions of their coaches and administration. However, I will never cheer for any of the coaches involved anymore, and will be absolutely embarrassed if any of them ever sets foot on Penn State's field again.
They do not represent what Penn State told me it stands for, and if Penn State has any moral character what-so-ever, they will get rid of these individuals before they cause any more harm to the University.